Announcement of Webinar 「Tips for Successful House Hunting in Japan」

Tips for Successful House Hunting in Japan
TIME : 19th April 2024(Fri) 14:00 – 14:40
PLACE : Webinar(Free)
Speaker : Mitsunori Miyama (Enplus Inc.)
Language : English
We are currently receiving many inquiries from companies that are finally implementing full-scale acceptance of expatriates, direct employment from overseas, and transfers after four years.
Especially from January to March, there is a lot of activity in the search for a new home to start a new life.
Many of you may have had a tough time finding the right housing for your employees during this period, as it is difficult to find the best rent, size, location, etc.
In particular, many of you may have experienced this difficulty when it comes to housing for foreign employees.
As for the challenges of finding housing for foreign nationals, a surprising but not unexpected survey shows that more than 40% of foreign nationals have experienced being turned down for a contract because of their foreign nationality.
In this seminar, we will discuss tips for successful house hunting in Japan in English, while clarifying the current situation surrounding foreign employees’ housing search in Japan as the housing search season is about to get into full swing.
We look forward to the participation of companies that are considering accepting expatriates, hiring directly from overseas, and accepting transferees, as well as employees who will be transferred from overseas!
※ Kindly note that the session is limited to non-Japanese who are working in Japan.
To register, the name of the company you are working for or at which you will be employed is required.
If you have any questions or inquiries regarding the service,
please feel free to contact us using the contact form.